Ms Havisham, the lost cause of the twenty first century

Ms Havisham has neither wedding dress to wear nor cake to watch rot before her eyes. Instead, she has a scruffy stuffed toy and Facebook pictures she can't bring herself to delete. Jilted and unemployed, Ms Havisham faces the challenges of her Dickensian predecessor in the twenty first century from a black pit of heartbreak. The challenge: how is she going to get out of it?

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Just One More...And Then Tomorrow

It was just one of those days…

I woke up this morning to a snow white paradise outside which was perfectly enchanting until I was required to get into my horseless carriage and drive… or should I say skid through it. My day brightened for a split second along a steadier part of the journey where suddenly a notion entered my head: I was too good for Lol. I felt light and happy. I never thought I would able to think that healthy thought.

It didn’t last for long, of course. I soon forgot about it when I wasn’t able to park where I wanted to because it was too icy for the car to pass through safely so I had to get my beautiful boots wet as I rushed to be on time for the meeting I was already half an hour late for… only to discover that the person I was meant to be seeing was also stuck in weather-caused traffic. This resulted in my being left to sit (thankfully in the warm indoors) on my own for an additional forty five minutes with nothing to do but play games on my mobile phone which may be amusing for a short while but do not go down well for that length of time.

I then went to the gym for a killer session only to be shouted at by my trainer for doing absolutely everything wrong. Usually I come out feeling pumped on a rush of endorphins but today, I exited feeling beaten, bruised and dejected. On my return home, I overloaded on carbohydrates which made me feel better for about thirty seconds before the bloated “you’ve eaten too much” guilt came upon me. My response was obviously to reach for the Nutella jar but divine intervention seemed to occur when I sliced my finger open instead of the bread and gave up. To top it all off, as my father helped the tearful mess that I was with the plaster, he managed to tell me off for not using a breadboard. More tears were spilt as I wiped my blood off the counter.

It was one of those days… and to top it off, one more day where Lol was not there. I could not be comforted just by sending him a message let alone calling him. I could not feel his voice embrace me in his absence, let alone have him pull me into the concave of his warm body to hold me. Yes, it was just one more of those...and tomorrow is just another day.

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